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 Design Work

I believe that the power of good design can be used in more than the obvious ways in museums.

Design can connect ideas visually, give plans life, and make messages stand out. 

Presentations |Local History Services

Design can be used to make presenations more than text on slides. This presenation was for a workshop I helped put together for Local History Services at the Indiana Historical Society. Our focus was on recruiting, using, and retaining younger volunteers in local history museums. Much of the workshop covered generational differences. I choose speech bubbles to illustrate the many voices a generation has, and the many viewpoints each generation brings to the world. These are a few sample slides. 

Exhibit Design | Johnson County Historical Society

In a more obvious situation, design serves to catch attention and tell part of the story of an exhibit. For this project, our team was designing an exhibit on travel in Johnson County, Indiana. I was the graphic designer on the project, and so I took my inspiration from vintage post cards and 1950's travel brochures. The idea was to tap into the memories of how travel was branded in the past as they walked through an exhibit about how travel has changed. 

Strategic Planning |Indiana Deaf History Museum

Graphics used in unusal circumstances can have value beyond just aesthetics. I designed this graphic for a team project with Indiana Deaf Heritage, a nonprofit that runs the Indiana Deaf History Museum. Based on our knowledge of literacy issues and preferences for visual information among the deaf, we came up with the tree as a metaphor for the process of growing an organization, using it as the basis of our presentation. 

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